Dr. Que Anh Dang (PI) was invited to deliver a presentation on the findings of the PEER project at the ‘Transnational Education Forum and Working with ASEAN,’ organised by the UK-Jiangsu World Class University and the British Council China in Liverpool on 16-17 November 2023. The forum was attended by leaders and academics from 17 UK universities and 32 Chinese universities of the UK-Jiangsu Consortium. Read more

Ms. Qin Jiang (far left in the photo) joined the PEER project in October 2023. Before her arrival at Coventry Uni, Ms. Jiang collaborated with Dr. Que Anh Dang (PI) to formulate a research proposal and has successfully secured a one-year research grant from Xuzhou Medical University in Jiangsu, China.
Building on the PEER project themes, her research focuses on medical education partnerships between China and the UK, specifically exploring the case study of the Jiangsu-UK World Class University Consortium. Read more
Professor Richard Wells, Pro-Vice-Chancellor International, Coventry University presented the PEER project’s key findings about UK transnational education (TNE) in East Asia at the British Council’s flagship Going Global Asia Pacific Conference held in Singapore on 28 Nov-1 December 2022. Read more
Three PEER researchers presented the PEER project’s results at the SEAMEO RIHED Symposium ‘Sustainable Learning in Higher Education: Towards Sustainable Development’ held in Bangkok, Thailand, on 23-25 November 2022. Read more
The third PEER Webinar and Roundtable Dialogue: ‘How Does COVID-19 Impact the Resilience of UK-East Asia TNE Partnership?’’ on Friday 9th September 2022 , 09.00-10.45 UK time (16.00-17.45 Malaysian time), on Zoom. Read more
The second PEER Webinar and Roundtable Dialogue: ‘Do the SDGs provide common goals and a common language for UK-East Asia research partnerships?’ on Friday 26th August 2022, at 09.00-10.45 (UK), 15.00-16.45 (Jakarta). Read more
The first PEER Seminar ‘We cannot take inclusive and equal partnerships for granted’ co-organised on 28th June 2022, 14.00-18.00 Bangkok time, 08.00-12.00 British Summer Time, and co-hosted by Chulalongkorn University (Thailand), Coventry University (UK), the ASEAN University Network, and sponsored by the British Council. Read more
Mr Leighton Ernsberger, Director Education and English, East Asia at the British Council, shared initial research findings of the PEER Project at the 44th SEAMEO High Officials Meeting held in November 2021. He highlighted the scale and patterns of research and innovation partnerships as evidenced by the number of co-authored publications between the UK and the East Asian countries. in the past decade. Read more
Prof. Ka Ho Mok and Dr. Paryono- two researchers of PEER, presented the objectives and initial findings of the project at the ASEAN+3 Rectors’ Conference hosted by Japan in October 2021. Their presentation ‘Mapping UK-East Asia Research and Innovation Partnerships were well received by over 100 East Asian universities’ leaders at the conference. Read more