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The Project
UK-Southeast Asia
Partnerships and Exchanges baselinE Research
The PEER project is an international research study led by Coventry University (UK) and funded by the British Council. PEER brings together 10-UK based and 10 Asia-based researchers in three work packages to examine bilateral, multilateral and regional partnerships in Higher Education (HE), Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET), and Research and Innovation, between the UK and 15 East Asian countries and territories in the past decade. Combining British and Asian perspectives, this study aims to enhance understanding of policies, practices, emerging post-covid priorities, and concepts of internationalisation at regional, national and institutional levels in the UK and East Asia.
‘East Asia’ in the PEER project refers to 10 members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and five Northeast Asian countries and territories, namely China (including Hongkong and Taiwan), Japan, South Korea – also known as ASEAN+3.

Within the project lifetime (2021-2022), PEER aims to meet four main objectives:
1. To map the landscape of UK-East Asia partnerships and exchanges over the past 10 years in Higher Education (HE), Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET), and Research and Innovation (R&I), highlighting the models, profiles and patterns of the partnerships at governmental and institutional levels across the East Asian countries; 2. To develop a deeper understanding of policies, practices, priorities, and multiple meanings of internationalisation concepts by investigating ideas, underlining principles, institutional arrangements, contexts and actors that foster or weaken UK-East Asia partnerships; 3. To provide policy makers, funders and HE Institutions (HEIs) leaders with reliable data and synthesised analysis to inform their policies for future regional, multilateral, and bilateral partnerships that will support the need for enhanced equity and inclusion, bringing mutual benefits and added value to all involved; and 4. To contribute original knowledge and methodological advancement to the field of HE research for analysing multidimensional HE partnerships at a large scale and midst the pandemic.Recent Events

PEER at UK-Jiangsu World Class University Consortium Conference
PEER Presentation at the UK-Jiangsu World Class University Consortium Conference in Liverpool, November 2023.

PEER Visiting Scholar
Ms Qin Jiang from China joined PEER in October 2023 as a Visiting Researcher for one year .

PEER article about Transnational Education (TNE)
PEER researchers published an article about UK TNE programmes in Southeast Asia.

PEER Key findings about TNE in East Asia presented at Going Global Asia Pacific Conference
Professor Richard Wells, Pro-Vice-Chancellor International, Coventry University presented the PEER project’s key findings about UK transnational education (TNE) in East Asia at the British Council’s flagship Going Global Asia Pacific Conference held in Singapore on 28 Nov-1 December 2022.

PEER Presentations at SEAMEO RIHED Symposium
Three PEER researchers presented the PEER project’s results at the SEAMEO RIHED Symposium ‘Sustainable Learning in Higher Education: Towards Sustainable Development’ which was held in Bangkok, Thailand, on 23-25 November 2022.
PEER Seminar ‘We cannot take inclusive and equal partnerships for granted'
The pioneering event - ‘We cannot take inclusive and equal partnerships for granted’ - took place in Bangkok, Thailand, 28 June 2022 with discussions providing a series of key recommendations to sustainable and fruitful collaborations between Southeast Asia and the United Kingdom.