‘Co-creating Alternative and Sustainable Futures of UK-East Asia Partnerships’

You are cordially invited to join the PEER Hybrid Conference: ‘Co-creating Alternative and Sustainable Futures of UK-East Asia Partnerships’ on Monday 10th October 2022, at 10.00-15.00 (UK) online (Zoom) and at Coventry University.
Please register HERE and we will send you the details of the conference venue in Coventry or the Zoom link to the conference.
The Theme
The impact of higher education (HE) internationalisation can be felt in both East Asia and the UK, in the number of transnational education (TNE) arrangements, co-funded research collaborations and the vast number of Asian students choosing to study in the UK in the past decades.
While government strategies in most East Asia emerging economies focus on avoiding the ‘middle-income trap’, the region is still facing problems common to many developing countries which require collaborative solutions. Governments and academia in this region are particularly concerned with the fourth industrial revolution, post-Covid recovery and addressing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the impact of these with regards to education and employability.
In August 2021, the UK became the ASEAN’s 11th Dialogue Partner – the first partnership that the ASEAN has agreed in 25 years. The UK and ASEAN face the important task of establishing modalities of engagement and charting areas of cooperation in a post-Brexit and post-Covid era.
A senior representative of the British Council commented ‘in building a ‘Global Britain’, the UK and its education sector must create more meaningful international relationships …and build deeper and more sustainable relationships’1.
In the face of major global changes in higher education, Asian and British universities are looking to build alternative, more inclusive and sustainable partnerships in the future.
Against this background, the PEER project has been investigating policies, underlining principles, institutional arrangements, contexts and actors that foster or weaken UK-East Asia partnerships. We aim to enhance understanding of internationalisation strategies and practices at national and institutional levels, and emerging priorities of the UK, ASEAN, and Northeast Asian countries in the post-Brexit and post pandemic context. Hence, promote research-informed practices and pedagogies of TNE to enhance student learning experience and create meaningful impact of joint research.
At this concluding conference and Roundtable Dialogue, the PEER research team will share the key research findings about different trajectories and alternative futures of regional and bilateral UK-East Asia partnerships in TNE, Vocational Education and Training (TVET) and Research and Innovation (R&I).
Here ‘alternative futures’ are not predictions of the future, rather they are plausible futures that reflect underlying drivers of change in the HE sector (for example, socio-economic changes, pedagogies, knowledge production, technological advance) and the interplay between globalisation and localisation. The drivers of change have considerable but uncertain influences over the diverse needs for future partnerships, influencing or relying upon how governments and higher education institutions (re)strategise their policies and re-orient their investment into people-to-people connectivity.
Hybrid Format
The Conference will take place both online and onsite at Swan Room, Elm Bank Building, Coventry University campus, Mile Lane, Coventry, CV1 2LQ, UK.
To engage with wider audiences based in the UK, East Asia and elsewhere, we will use the ZOOM platform. Further details will be sent to you after you have registered.
(See your own time zone here).
Arrival and registration (onsite)
Open Zoom platform
Welcome and Opening Remarks by Professor Richard Dashwood, Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research), Coventry University
PEER Interactive Maps: Introduction and Implications
Presenters: Dr Que Anh Dang and Dr Jie Ma, Coventry University UK
Talk 1 (Q&A included)
UK-East Asia TNE Partnerships: Trajectories and Alternative Educational Futures
Presenters: Professor Katherine Wimpenny, Coventry University UK, Dr. Fuangarun Preededilok, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand, and Dr Jaya Jacobo, Coventry University
Talk 2 (Q&A included)
UK-East Asia Research Partnerships: ‘For’ and ‘In’ the Future
Presenters: Professor Ka Ho Mok, Lingnan University of Hongkong and Dr Que Anh Dang, Coventry University UK
(Lunch will be provided to all participants onsite)
Talk 3: Vocational Education and Training Partnerships: Past, Present and Futures
Presenters: Dr Paryono and Dr Jaya Priah Kasinathan, SEAMEO VOTECH, Brunei
Roundtable Dialogue ‘Sustainable Futures for Global Partnerships?’
Moderator: Assoc. Professor Meng-Hsuan Chou, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
- Professor Terri Kim, East London University UK, Yonsei University South Korea
- Associate Professor Eva Hartmann, Cambridge University, UK
- Dr Roger Chao, Head of Education, Youth and Sports Division, ASEAN Secretariat
- Ms Lotus Postrado, Director Philippines, British Council
- Ms Jane Delfino, PhD candidate, Dual Award PhD between the University of the Philippines and the University of Reading (UK)
- Associate Professor Dr. Abdul Latiff Ahmad, The National University of Malaysia
- Ms Janette Lister, Academic Partnership Development Manager, Coventry University
Closing Remarks by the British Council and Coventry University