work packages
How We Work
Three inter-connected work packages

Work Package 1
HE and VET Partnerships in Science,
Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)

Work Package 2
HE and VET Partnerships in Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS)

Work Package 3
Research and Innovation Partnerships in both STEM and HSS
The Research Team
Work Package 1: HE and TVET partnerships in STEM
Assistant Professor, Dr Que Anh Dang (PI), Coventry University, UK
Associate Professor Meng-Hsuan Chou, Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore
Team Members
Professor Katherine Wimpenny (Co-PI), Coventry University, UK
Professor Ka Ho Mok, Lingnan University, Hongkong, Member of the Centre for Global Higher Education (Oxford University)
Dr Bing Wu Berberich, Teaching Fellow in Business Education, Business School, The University of Edinburgh, UK
Professor Takao Kamibeppu, Fukuyama City University, Japan
Assistant Professor, Dr. Fuangarun Preededilok, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
Assistant Professor, Dr Yung-Fang Chen, Coventry University, UK
Research Fellow, Dr Jie Ma, Coventry University, UK
Research Assistant, Florian Kienhoefer, Coventry University, UK
Work Package 2: HE and TVET Partnerships in HSS
Professor Katherine Wimpenny (Co-PI), Coventry University, UK
Dr Paryono, Senior Researcher, Deputy Director for Research at VOCTECH, Southeast Asian Ministry of Education Organisation (SEAMEO), Centre for Vocational and Technical Education and Training (VOCTECH), Brunei Darussalam
Team Members:
Assistant Professor, Dr Jaya Jacobo, Coventry University, UK
Assistant Professor, Dr Luca Morini, Coventry University, UK
Research Fellow, Dr Jie Ma, Coventry University, UK
Dr Jaya Priah Kasinathan, Management Specialist, SEAMEO VOTECH Regional Centre, Brunei
Dr Bing Wu Berberich, Teaching Fellow in Business Education, Business School, The University of Edinburgh, UK
Assistant Professor, Dr. Fuangarun Preededilok, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
Assistant Professor, Dr Que Anh Dang, Coventry University, UK
Work Package 3: Research and Innovation Partnerships
Professor Deanne Clouder (Co-PI), Coventry University, UK
Professor Ka Ho Mok, Lingnan University, Hongkong, Member of the Centre for Global Higher Education (Oxford University)
Team Members:
Professor Takao Kamibeppu, Fukuyama City University, Japan
Dr Bing Wu Berberich, Teaching Fellow in Business Education, Business School, The University of Edinburgh, UK
Assistant Professor, Dr Mehmet Karakus, Coventry University, UK
Research Fellow, Dr Alun DeWinter, Coventry University, UK
Assistant Professor, Dr Dimitar Angelov, Coventry University, UK
Research Fellow, Dr Jie Ma, Coventry University, UK
Associate Professor Meng-Hsuan Chou, Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore
Dr Doungkamol Bangchuad, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
Assistant Professor, Dr Que Anh Dang , Coventry University, UK

Ms Qin Jiang – Visiting Researcher to Extend the PEER Project
As a result of the PEER project’s impact, Ms. Qin Jiang joined the Centre for Global Learning at Coventry University in October 2023. Before her arrival, Ms. Jiang collaborated with Dr. Que Anh Dang (PI) to formulate a research proposal and successfully secure a one-year research grant from Xuzhou Medical University in Jiangsu, China
Building on the PEER project themes, her research focuses on higher education partnerships between China and the UK, specifically exploring internationalisation strategies of medical schools, global competencies of Chinese medical students and lecturers through international mobility, and a detailed case study of the Jiangsu-UK World Class University Consortium.
With over a decade of experience in internationalisation practices, Ms. Qin Jiang has published a series of academic articles in international journals and serves as a regular reviewer for journals, such as Innovations in Education and Teaching International and BMC Medical Education. Read more about her work here.